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Frequently Asked Questions
Is this whitening treatment for everyone?
This treatment delivers exceptional results to people whose teeth have been stained by smoking or by substances like coffee, tea, wine or cola drinks. However, we cannot treat pregnant women, children under the age of 14, and clients with periodontal disease. Also, we recommend that you wait a few days to a week since your last dental visit (including a cleaning) to have your teeth whitened. Dental work often includes the manipulation of your teeth and gums which can create small spaces in your gums that aren't normally there. If our gel gets in these spaces, it could cause you some discomfort that you would NOT experience if you hadn't been to the dentist recently.
What's the difference between a single and double session - and how do I know which one I need?
A single session is one 20 minute session for $99. A double session is two 20 minute sessions for $149. We will shade your teeth before and after the session so you can see how many shades lighter your teeth become. We always do a single session first and let you see your results. If you would like your teeth to be whiter, you can do another 20 minute session and pay $149 total. You can do the double session back to back on the same day (please call or email us to schedule this), or you can wait and do the second session later for only $50 (as long as your gel pen hasn't expired which takes about 6 months). Your teeth will continue to whiten over a 24 hour period, so many clients choose to wait until they see how white their teeth become prior to scheduling a second session. This way, you don't pay for more than what you need! A Double Session is for ONE client only - two people may not "share" a Double Session.
Can I "share" a kit with someone?
No. Due to health and hygiene regulations, every client must purchase their own kit regardless of how many times they expect to use it.
How white could my teeth get?
Tests show that, after our treatment, teeth score from 2 - 10 shades lighter on the teeth shade scale and are visibly whiter. Individual results will depend on how discolored the teeth were originally; however, the results will be whiter, shinier teeth!
How long will the whitening last?
This varies from person to person and depends on your diet, but the effects sometimes last for a year or more. We offer follow-up sessions for only $50 until your gel pen expires (your gel pen will stay good for 6 months if kept refrigerated). Most people do a follow up session for $50 around 6 months after their initial session. For those who want to get, keep, and maintain the brightest, whitest smile possible, we recommend our Annual Treatment Plan which is a non-refundable payment of $468 up front, and that covers 12 sessions in a calendar year at only $39 each session. Just ask if you would like more information about this option!
Is it safe?
Yes, scientific studies have shown that using peroxide to whiten teeth is both very effective and very safe. The dental industry has used it in teeth whitening for over twenty years. It does not change or damage the structure of teeth; it merely makes teeth whiter and brighter. In fact, peroxide compounds have been safely used in various cosmetic procedures for many years. There is a significant amount of clinical data that strongly supports a neutral pH, peroxide-based system.
How long does the treatment take?
Each session cycle takes 20 minutes and usually 1 or 2 cycles is all that's required for the full effect. It is that simple!
What is the difference between this and other methods of whitening?
Our whitening technique whitens your teeth immediately and has minimal to no side effects. The result is 30% better than home whitening products and comparable technologies, and provides the same or better results at 1/3 the price (or less!) than having your dentist whiten your teeth.
Will it whiten my existing crowns or veneers?
Our whitening treatment cannot change the color of porcelain crowns or veneers.
What are the "white spots" that some people see on their teeth after having a whitening treatment?
White spots on the teeth are very common. They were there BEFORE the whitening, but were not as noticeable. They may be caused due to a lack of calcium (Hypocalcification) in areas of tooth enamel. There are many reasons for white spots to form including family genetics, wearing braces, enamel erosion due to plaque, fluorosis, acid reflux, etc. Whatever the cause for white spots, as stains inside the tooth are removed, the white spots can become more prominent. White spots that were previously covered up by stains can become visible. Usually they tend to start blending back in after a few hours as the tooth regains moisture. After a few days, they should be close to normal levels. On rare occasions, it could take a couple of weeks , so we recommend having your teeth whitened at least two weeks prior to an event.
Will what I eat and drink be restricted after the whitening treatment?
Yes - for at least 24 hours, (48 is even better!), you will need to refrain from drinking ALL dark beverages (coffee, tea, red wine, dark soda, grape juice, cranberry juice, etc.) as well as any food that would easily stain a white shirt (tomato-based foods like spaghetti, pizza, lasagna, etc.; also any foods with a red sauce like BBQ or wings, as well as highly pigmented fruits and vegetables like strawberries, blueberries, beets, etc.)
Will it hurt?
Most of our clients experience no pain or sensitivity during or after the treatment. This is very different than most whitening procedures performed at dental offices. A very small percentage of people may feel some discomfort or sensitivity. Clients who choose to do two sessions in one visit increase their chances of experiencing sensitivity that evening or the next day, but two sessions often have no effect on many clients. Taking an over the counter pain medication can help resolve any possible issues. Avoid cold or hot drinks for the first 24 hours if there is any tooth sensitivity. The use of a Sensodyne™-type toothpaste can often immediately eliminate any minor sensitivity issues.
Are there side effects associated with whitening?
The two most common side effects are soft tissue irritation and hypersensitivity to the teeth. Irritation typically occurs when either an ill-fitted tray (which we don't use) or the whitening agent is in direct contact with the soft (gum) tissue for a prolonged period of time. That is the reason that we recommend a series of 20 minute treatments. Sensitivity usually occurs when there is a high concentration of hydrogen peroxide used and/or when the pH of the whitening agent is more acidic. These side effects are considered mild and temporary and, if present, can be alleviated with an over-the-counter pain reliever or a Sensodyne™-type toothpaste. Any issues are usually resolved within a few hours. The majority of our clients experience no sensitivity issues at all.
Does the FDA regulate whitening gel?
No. Teeth whiteners are not classified as drugs, therefore the FDA does not regulate them directly. In the USA, however, they do regulate the gel manufacturer. Therefore, it's extremely important to use USA-made gels. All of our whitening gels are manufactured in the USA.
Who will be assisting me during the whitening process?
A trained Authorized Dealer or their technician will assist you. They are not dentists or dental personnel. This is not a dental procedure; it is a cosmetic procedure. They will not be performing any invasive actions. They don't insert their fingers, instruments, or anything in a client's mouth.